
Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Legend of the Candy Cane

The Legend of the Candy Cane

The candy cane was invented by a 
17th century Christian in England.

At this time, the government would
not let the people celebrate
Christmas. So, a candy maker made
a candy shaped like a shepherd's 
crook to be a secret symbol of Jesus.

The three small stripes represent the 
Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the 
large red stripe is for the life of
Jesus that he gave for us.

Thus, the candy cane was a double 
gift... Sweet treat and a symbol of 

This was given to me one Christmas Eve as a gift from my Aunt Mary. She made these for all of her nieces as a remembrance of the real reason for the season and I have treasured it ever since. Every time I see a candy cane during the holiday season I am reminded of this legend. These framed legends make perfect little gifts to give to those you love, teachers, neighbors or just anyone who needs a little holiday spirit, to remind them that during the hustle and bustle of the season there is always something to believe in. 

These Legend of the Candy Cane frames are made even more special when given tied up with some holly, candy canes and a little pixie dust!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Christmas Cupcake Decorating Party

Christmas time is always a special time for children - filled with "visions of sugarplums", candy canes, gingerbread houses and hot chocolate with big fluffy white marshmallows. A great way to bring in the holiday spirit is to kick off the season with a "Cupcake Decorating Party" with your children and their friends.
Our decorating table

Before your little holiday elves arrive, be sure and set up their decorating areas with all the essentials needed for them to decorate their cupcakes. Icing in different holiday colors, sprinkles, holiday shaped marshmallows, and candies such as m&m's, gum drops, peppermints, skittles, and more.
Once our little elves arrived we had their parents drop them off for an hour because they were not allowed inside Santa's kitchen! When the parents came back to pick them up they would get their "surprise" from their kids - complete with a darling holiday tray, a dozen cupcakes and a special card just for them.

Santa's kitchen elves!

Once the decorating began - there was no stopping our little elves! We served them cookies and punch (not that there wasn't enough sugar on the table already!), sang along to our favorite carols, and brought in the Christmas spirit with laughter and love. Once all of their creations were finished they got to set them up on their special trays for their parents. They were so proud and full of excitement to give them to their parents - "their eyes how they twinkled!"

The elves finished cupcakes

In the eyes of 16 children we created a little holiday magic with icing, sprinkles, carols and just a little pixie dust! - Kendall